Rik's Mind Podcast Ep. 79- Jay Wellik USGS-USAID Volcano Seismologist, Tongan Eruption, US Volcanoes

2 years ago

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Today we are joined by Jay Wellik. Jay is a seismologist for the USAID-United States Geological Survey (USGS) Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP). VDAP works as a liaison between USGS volcano observatories (Hawaii, Cascades, Alaska, California, and Yellowstone) and foreign volcano observatories. VDAP donates equipment and expertise with the goal of improving volcano monitoring efforts worldwide. Jay helps analyze and interpret seismic data to better understand volcanic activity and improve eruption forecasting. You can find more about Jay and his work on the USGS website https://www.usgs.gov/staff-profiles/jay-wellik.

Show notes: riksmind.com/listen/79jaywellik

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