Clearing the Energy of "What I Have to Say is not Important"

2 years ago

Your body carries your stress and your limiting beliefs. This week, the belief of "what I have to say isn't important" came up during a breathwork class and I realized that this was the energy that I have been putting out into the world lately.

You may notice that you have a similar belief. Notice what beliefs come up for you and how you put that energy into the world. Everything is energy and when you change your energy, you change your life!

The points in this protocol are designed to open the throat chakra, create safety in your body and release the energy of holding back. This does't mean that you'll become loud and boisterous about everything. It will help you to speak with confidence so that you can be heard. It will activate your intuition so that you know when to speak up through love and connection and when to let things go.

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