"MUST WATCH: Nov 2013 (pre-Maidan!): Ukraine Deputy has proof of USA staging civil war in Ukraine".

2 years ago

February 9, 2015

This was an important address made to the Ukrainian Parliament by Deputy Oleg Tsarov on November 20, 2013, just one day prior to the deadliest day of the protests held in Kiev’s Maidan (“Independence”) Square, which culminated in a massacre of 50 people, causing Ukraine’s President, Viktor Yanukovych to flee the country.

It never made the “News” in the Criminal Mainstream Media.

This is yet more evidence that the US Government was the controlling power behind the extremely violent and illegal February 2014 Ukrainian coup, which overthrew the democratically-elected and never legally removed-from-power Ukrainian President.

Volya members told Tsarov that “American instructors presented examples of the past successful use of social networks, used to organize protests in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya,” and he was told that the TechCamp Project was, at that time being overseen by the US ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt.

A detailed timeline of the US-planned coup, starting at least as early as March 2013 can be found under the blog post, “How the US Recruited 300 People to Manipulate Social Media to Overthrow the Legitimate Government in Ukraine” by a British blogger using the Twitter handle https://twitter.com/Ian56789

“This new evidence from Tsarev, piled on top of all the other evidence that already proved the assertion by the founder of the ‘private CIA’ firm Stratfor, that the overthrow of Yanukovych was ‘the most blatant coup in history,’ simply cements the reality, that all of the sanctions against Russia, and all of the ‘me too’ statements supporting Obama’s coup and ethnic cleansing in Ukraine, by David Cameron, Stephen Harper, and Obama’s other co-Nazis, are abominations, which should be loudly condemned by all decent persons in all countries.

“The aggressor here is Obama, not Putin; and NATO must end, now: all decent nations should quit it ASAP. (War crimes trials against Obama and his agents should follow. After all: these people are bringing the world closer to a nuclear war than has been the case since 1962, and there is no decent reason for it.)

“Here was Professor Francis Boyle, the most internationally-prestigious authority on such matters, summing it all up:

“Boyle told RIA Novosti on May 8: ‘The Ukrainian crisis had been planned, as well as the war. There was a war plan, there was a war game. Then it was revised and implemented. We are seeing steps now being taken that were planned in advance,’ Boyle said, adding, ‘This is all being used as a pretext to bring NATO military forces, as Rasmussen said, by air, sea, and land right up to the borders of the Russian Federation. They are clearly going ahead with this.’

Boyle extolled Russia for trying to exhaust all diplomatic means possible to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and accused the United States and NATO of deliberate escalation.

“‘So that the US won’t be provided with any more pretexts for hostile provocative maneuvers that they are going to take in any event,’ Boyle asserted, ‘Russian President Vladimir Putin is in a very difficult and dangerous situation and needs to be very careful. The US has already resumed the Cold War with the neo-Nazi coup d’etat in Ukraine that the United States-sponsored, controlled, and directed,’ he said.

“It’s still not too late for the condemnation by the entire decent world to come down upon the leading nazis and force them to stop, before they blow the entire habitable world up with their evil…

“The time for the collecting of evidence is already past. The evidence is already here. There are already international war crimes enough, and so no need exists for us to await the ultimate one – a totally unnecessary nuclear war – before finally acting.

To start with: the sanctions against Russia must end – immediately. They are crimes that can end fast. And they must, in order for the prosecutions against the perpetrators to start, and in order for this Nazi cancer upon humanity to be removed before it’s too late…”

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