Reagan Paleoconservatism Is Dead: America Is In An Existential Fight to the Death With Globalists

2 years ago

Lionel Nation 2018

It seems like all of the righteous rage and frustration over the evils and inequities perpetrated over the past half century by the US Government; anger that would have rightly been directed toward George W Bush for 9/11 and the Endless Wars or toward Barack Obama for doubling down on drone strikes and pumping up the surveillance state is being displaced onto Donald Trump. It seems like all of the the hatred that is so richly deserved by the Neocons is being diverted onto Trump, even though he defunded ISIS and has been much less warlike than his predecessors. Seriously, where was all the outrage that we see being hurled at the President in the Mainstream Media when Bush took us to war with Iraq on a lie?
“We’re in a war right now, not against Liberalism but against unipolar Globalism, New World Order, Deep State, police state, intel state, government-within-the-government, permanent government, shadow government. We’re in a in a war with a Soros-backed, Bilderberg-backed, a multi-layered conspiracy; world involving dark forces and people and methodologies that transcend anything from the past.

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