Can your pet pass scabies to you?

3 years ago

This video discusses the cause of scabies and the complications of infestation with sarcoptes scabiei. It briefly describes the earliest origins of the disease. It discusses the various presentations of scabies and the different levels of infectivity of the variants. It looks at what situations put people at risk of contracting scabies and lists the most serious complications of the disease. We discuss the symptoms and signs of scabies infestation what methods of transmission viewers should be concerned about and suggests to viewers what can be done to decontaminate the environment in the case of scabies infestation. Viewers will learn what typical or common scabies lesions look like and especially what crusted scabies looks like and how to protect themselves from the highly contagious forms of the disease. The lack of spread of scabies by animals is reviewed and the risks of contracting mange from pets is clarified. Overall, viewers will have good working knowledge of the cause and spread of this common dermatologic disease and what developments are expected in the near future.
Images courtesy of:
Br J Dermatol. 2020 Nov; 183(5): 808–820
By Steschke - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
By painter from Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary - reproduction from DVD, Public Domain,
By US-Gov - (as last archived 2008-06-12 09:37:35 at as displayed by Anatomy of the Skin (as last archived 2008-06-12 09:37:35 at Anatomy of the Skin), Public Domain,
By Modified from the original Grey's diagram here:, Public Domain,

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