Even "Beto" Is Bashing Biden Over the Border

2 years ago


Elon Musk makes a play for Twitter and drama ensues. Social media slammed New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell for attempting to take credit for the arrest of the subway shooting suspect who fired 33 shots at a northbound N train. Far-left Texas Democrat gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke, who has previously called for tearing down existing sections of border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, slammed Joe Biden for his handling of the border crisis that has erupted under his administration. Amid inflation that is spiraling out of control, real wages for Americans have dropped by nearly 3%. A transgender inmate — a man who identifies as a woman — has reportedly impregnated two females being held at New Jersey’s women’s only prison.

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