3 years ago

An0maly is a Rapper, Podcaster, and he joined the boys in California to talk about everything from Covid Dorks to Conspiracies, to IS will smith gay, and more, dudes in college and more.

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0:00 Intro
0:10 An0maly Introduction
0:54 LA Sucks
2:57 LA Going Downhill
4:22 An0maly On Trump
6:08 Truth Social & Alternative Media
9:14 Worst Places To Live During COVID
11:48 Guns & The Government
13:30 Not Taking The Vaccine
16:38 Man Claims Parkinson's Drug Made Him A Gay Sex Addict, Wins 160K Lawsuit
25:50 Is Will Smith Gay?
26:20 Is God Down With Gays?
27:30 When Did An0maly Become Religious
28:45 Flat Earth
38:55 Challenging Ideas & The Economy
42:28 Canceling Thanksgiving
45:30 Ad - mintmobile.com/boyscast
47:09 Ad - talkspace.com promocode boyscast
49:02 Will Smith Smashed So Much He Started Puking
51:16 Scientologists
56:01 Will Smith Smashed So Much He Started Puking - Continuation
1:03:40 Method Acting Turning You Gay
1:06:14 Is Arnold Schwarzenegger Still Sick?
1:08:23 What Would George Carlin Think Today?
1:13:08 An0maly's Favorite Rappers
1:16:34 Offensive Comedy Is Subjective
1:20:46 Hypocrisy In Politics
1:23:29 Bad Comedians
1:27:49 Israel Vaccine Situation
1:29:59 Canada Lockdowns
1:32:49 Worst Journalists
1:38:07 Article - Men Are Developing Golden Penis Syndrome And We Need To Put A Stop To It
1:47:09 Outro

Follow my second chanel: http://youtube.com/theboyscastwithryanlong
Support me at http://patreon.com/theboyscast
Instagram: @ryanlongcomedy
Twitter: @ryanlongcomedy
tiktok @ryanlongcomedy
MY PODCAST: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-boyscast-with-ryan-long/id1498829489

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