Is the IBR setting up another transit failure?

2 years ago

IBR administrator says demand for transit across the Columbia River will increase 10 fold.

IBR Administrator Greg Johnson tells the members of the Executive Steering Group that substantial demand for transit on the replacement Interstate Bridge means 26,000 to 33,000 riders a day. That is a 10-fold increase over what his team reports is using transit across the bridge today.

Video courtesy IBR

#InterstateBridgeReplacement #IBR #GregJohnson #ColumbiaRiverCrossing #TriMet #CTRAN #MAX #lightrail #busrapidtransit #highcapacitytransit #PortlandOr #VancouverWa #ClarkCountyWa #TheVine #LyndaWilson #lightrailtunnel #WillametteRiver #SteelBridge #ColumbiaRiver #HaydenIsland #KevinPeterson #ODOT #WSDOT #ExecutiveSteeringGroup #I5 #InterstateBridge #transitridershipdecline #pandemic #MAXyellowline

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