Adorable baby Howler Monkey wants some fruit too

2 years ago

This female was just another victim and now has to live at an animal refuge, where she gave birth to this adorable baby, which, unfortunately, will not have the chance to know what it's like to be wild.

Although baby monkeys can be super cute and cuddly, it is important to remember that they are wild animals, and should NOT be kept as pets! The illegal wildlife trade is the third most valuable illicit commerce in the world, losing only to drugs and weapons. That, along with loss of habitat by deforestation, fires, etc., result in an enormous amount of animals in need of rescuing. Only 1 in 10 animals survive trafficking! Do not support the pet trade! Animals should be free!

The Bolivian Red Howler (Alouatta sara) is a species of Howler Monkey that is endemic to Bolivia, which means that it can't be found anywhere else in the world, although it used to be considered a subspecies of Red Howler Monkey (Alouatta seniculus). Howler Monkeys are some of the largest species of New World monkeys, and are native so South and Central American forests. As the name suggests, their main vocalizations consist of "howls", which are loud, deep, guttural growls. The males usually call at dawn and dusk, but can also vocalize during the day.

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