“The Spiritual Man” - GABRIEL ALEXANDER

2 years ago

My parents were ministers, I was in and around church circles and people of faith from the time I was born, and most of my formative years revolved around church life and functions.

I had scripture and spiritual knowledge poured into me every day of my life growing up.

I’ve been in THOUSANDS of church meetings and prayer meetings, heard countless sermons, read through the Bible many times, consumed piles of books on faith and spiritual life, and have had personal conversations with some of the most well-known teachers of scripture in the world.

Even with all of those resources to draw from, I’ve struggled immensely at times over the years in understanding my own spiritual life and growth.

I can honestly say that “The Spiritual Man” by Watchman Nee is by far the most powerful and impactful communication on man’s spirit that I’ve ever encountered.

It’s blowing my mind and changing my life each time I read it.

It’s helping me to find simplicity, and along with it, immense clarity, peace, and purpose.

It’s humbling me, helping me to understand my own weakness and desperate need for God’s mercy, grace, forgiveness, strength, and courage.

I cannot recommend it more highly for anyone desiring a true life change from the inside-out.


P.S. Join me on Gab and GabTV @GabrielAlexander where I’m never censored/banned/deleted


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