Biden Politely Humiliates Reporter Asking If He Dismissed Nuclear War Too Quickly

2 years ago

The press is continuing to pressure Biden into starting an armed conflict with Russia. An ABC News reporter asked President Biden if he was being too soft on Putin and even used the words "World War III". His answer was very blunt.

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Sam: This question is stunning. and you should understand this in light of the fact that over 50 percent of the country believe that joe Biden has been not strong enough with the Putin god bless you thank you and with Russia. and this is this is relevant I mean I personally 56 of Americans say Biden who's meeting on Thursday with European leaders had not been tough enough in his response to what's going on in Russia. so he is going against the political tide in this country. We'll talk a little bit more about that because I know some people have some theories as to where that number came from. and we will get there. but I do believe that joe Biden up to this point has deserved a tremendous amount of deserves a tremendous amount of credit for a measured slow response to what is going on here. like a you know like a very careful not to get the US and involved in this in a way that would expand or nato for that matter would expand the conflict. Here is and look at the questions he's getting.
Emma: Right and this is the pressure that is being put upon him to do something. do anything. even if the consequences could be world war iii. yeah, but who would actually even phrase it like that. What?
Biden: Cecilia abc. there you are.
Reporter: thank you. sir, you've made it very clear in this conflict that you do not want to see World War III. but is it possible that in expressing that so early that you were too quick to rule out direct military intervention in this war? could Putin have been emboldened knowing that you are not going to get involved directly in this conflict?
Biden: No and no.

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