Democratic Voters Waking Up To Supreme Court’s Importance

2 years ago

For a long time, the Republican base was very focused on the Supreme Court and Democratic voters didn't view the court with great significance. Now polling shows that Democratic voters are taking the Supreme Court much more seriously.

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Image Credit, Ted Eytan
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Sam: When we see Hawley doing this type of thing. And the Republicans are sort of at large doing this. Is this going to help get people who are center-left through the left on some levels to pay more attention to what's going on with the supreme court and get more engaged in the implications of this court? I mean it's still we're looking at maybe a 10, 15, 20-year project in terms of getting the supreme court back in some fashion. but it's got to start at one point and it doesn't it still feels like there's not an appreciation of just how twisted things are on that court and how nasty things are about to come because of what they're gonna do.
Guest: Yeah so I mean one piece of good news for people who think that the court is out of whack right now is that the polls are showing democrats waking up. I think Pew just had a poll come out recently that showed that more democratic voters think of the supreme court as an important issue than republicans now. and that's consistent with polls from the 2020 election which showed that more democrats were engaged with the supreme court on the issue as an issue than republicans. and that's a relatively new phenomenon I mean I think we saw that shift around the brett Kavanaugh confirmation because you know when you have a justice who is very credibly accused of trying to rape someone Democratic voters don't like that very much. and so you're starting to see democratic voters wake up. I think you know I think it is very likely that Roe v Wade is going to be overruled in June. You know there's a number of very scary elections coming up. I think the supreme court is going to dismantle most of America's gun laws this term. you know there's just a lot I mean we've already seen the court giving big legal exemptions to the Christian right. so that you know there's a lot of scary stuff happening in the supreme court. and I think that if America functions as a democracy you know if we have free and fair elections if the supreme court does not do some of the things it's considering like you know allowing state legislatures to overturn presidential elections and stuff like that then like you know I think that the wind is in the democratic sales right now. Democratic voters have woken up to this. but the problem is that when you control the supreme court you control the shape of our democracy. and even if the supreme court is completely honest and doesn't like to do anything more to dismantle the voting. I mean there's a bad voting rights act decision this week. but you know even if they don't do anything more to dismantle the voting rights act. I think democrats still have to contend with the fact the electoral college is rigged against them. the senate is malapportioned against them. and that means that democrats constantly need to win elections by three-four five points just to achieve, you know, rough equality with the republican party.

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