Static electricity - unpolarized pure energy

2 years ago

Dodecahedron = Ether - Quintessence of the universe - static electricity - unpolarized pure potential Energy

The POLARIZATION 🧲 🍩⏳of that Ether, brings forth to give mass & magnitude to absolutely everything, & as a result, '⏳'

These video links below are some of the most incredible Sacred Geometry presentations out there to date.
This gets DEEP to the core.
You will recognize SO MUCH of [Their] STOLEN ancient symbolism

Even Greg Gutfeld of The ϕ Phi-ve, uses 2 of the universe's most sacred designs on the shelf in his show, "Gutfeld" - The Dodecahedron & the Hourglass / Hyperboloid - representing the 3 Dimensional S-curve within torodial 🍩 magnetic reciprocation

If you've got an HDMI cord, hook your phone / Laptop up to your TV, grab a blanket & a bowl of popcorn & make an evening out of these.
Fills SO MANY 'empty spaces' in.

Drunvalo Melchizedek's work of Sacred Geometry known to our Ancient Ancestors -


Sacred Geometry Vid 2

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