A Message About Homesteading Before The Sun Sets

2 years ago

Before relaxing after a day of work, here's a unique and truthful message about homesteading. It's hard work that requires planning and some effort to maintain. There is a reason for everything.

And when you put in the appropriate work, you'll benefit for years to come. The right design works up front but serves you over time with prosperity. What strategy will work best for your area?

What is appropriate work? How you design a garden for flat land is different than how you might work with a slope. The best permaculture or organic design will reduce work overtime.

In this video, you'll see examples of contour swales, permanent raised beds, and organic gardening. You'll see a few time-saving design methods that make the work more satisfying.

To learn more about the Sustainable Homestead Institute, including classes and hands-on experience visit http://www.sustainablehomestead.com/ Ask about volunteer opportunities.

Remember, you don't need electricity, greenhouses, or a large garden to get started. Starting small helps you gain the experience you need to go big. You'll learn more by doing.

What about those rabbit manure piles in the field? Those piles of rabbit manure fertilize broad acre gardens, growing soil. Get all the details about fertilizing organic gardens here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shgRvqyAlHc

Power up your small farm, homestead, or estate with greater food abundance; join us at https://www.prosperityhomestead.org/newsletter/

Comment with your questions about community gardens and opportunities to gain self-sufficient skills. Homesteading can be a lot of work, even more, if you don't know what you're doing. Let's get started now.

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