Is Joe Manchin America’s Most Corrupt Senator?

2 years ago

Ryan Grimm joins Sam to discuss Joe Manchin’s coal corruption and familial fraud, and why no one in West Virginia is investigating the centrist Democrat's criminal behavior.

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Sam Seder: And everything legislative now has to be you know okayed and signed off by president Manchin you guys did have done over the well really over the past couple years. I guess year and a half or so some great reporting on joe Manchin everything I know about his daughter's sort of like trajectory and getting her university of west Virginia bona fides and then her getting a job where she's gouging people with insulin, was a function of your reporting. And there was and his lobbying as he became governor on behalf of the coal-fired power plant that he ended up being or ended up being his customer of his gobe or gob or whatever they call it there was a piece that filled in some of the other parts of this in the new york times incredibly well reported. And it seems to me that like if you are a state senator and you are lobbying on behalf of a cold fire power plant to get a waiver because it's going to be spewing out more mercury close to another power plant that's also spewing out mercury, and you buy an old mine on a Tuesday in the morning that is going to provide all of this coal to that same power plant and then sell it to that same power plant that same day for a hundred and twenty thousand dollars more and then make a subsequent deal later to get a one percent sort of vague on everything they ever sell the power they sell there that to me seems incredibly corrupt and where is like how do we call the cops? Like what like where do we dial 9-1-1 to because this guy's just showing up at work every day and it seems to me that.

Ryan Grim: Like Will Smith just sitting down at the table

SS: yeah except for we're starting to see some you know blowback on that i know you want to get the slap in there but but but honestly like is this like the department of justice like i don't think it's going to happen in West Virginia but i mean isn't there somebody who's going to come in like isn't there i know that in new york state it was you know the eastern district of manhattan at the USA's office that would do public corruption shouldn't there be a u.s attorney's office in West Virginia that is going like hey wait for a second...

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