Republican Asks, ‘Are You Racist? Do You Hate Mexicans?’ In Campaign Ad

2 years ago

Hillbilly Elegy author JD Vance is out with a desperate new campaign ad promoting Donald Trump's wall. Vance, an "America First Conservative" running for US Senate in Ohio, asks, "Are you a racist? Do you hate Mexicans?

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Emma Vigeland: JD Vance continues his desperate campaign bid which he's not going to win but he can't stop because uh he has some very wealthy backers and they need him to launder their like crypto-fascist movement to the public-

Matt Lech: JD Vance works at the attention-seeking department at teal industries

EV: Yes and so here he is constantly making up for the fact that he once criticized Trump leaning into like - Trump rhetoric right yeah because he'll never be able to live down that fact and that's why he'll never win here he is with his new campaign ad on Mexicans.

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Nomiki Konst: wait more democrats I love the part and more democrats coming across the border

EV: yeah of course naturally that's it's a way that I mean that's this is Tucker Carlson right but what i do find interesting is I didn't read hillbilly elegy because I was a bit skeptical when I was told by New York Times reading liberals that this would help me understand the trump voter. But I did read the Wikipedia entry for it it appears that his mother got addicted to pain pills I was not aware that the Sacklers were border crossers did you know this matt?

ML: Yeah I mean that is his mother apparently had a bunch of trouble problems with addiction and stuff that the idea that those all came from the border is yeah that's like nazi talk like yeah it's all from a foreign invader that's yeah making a degenerate society that's fundamentally going to kill the ones that you love like you know I mean it's JD he's pulling behind like several guys that got into the race after him and he's looking for attention. but i i mean the interesting thing about JD is this ah shucks sort of I'm a yokel and what do you have that part from Hillbilly Wikipedia?

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