“We Are Facing a Global Coup that Involves Both Civil Society and the Church” – Archbishop Vigano

2 years ago

(Note: Video in Italian. See English description for more info.)
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By Joe Hoft
April 13, 2022
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was on Canale Italia TV and he shared his observations on what is going on in this world.
Below are some of the Archbishop’s key observations.
About the church and political leadership today:
We are facing a global coup that involves both civil society and the Church. Both are infiltrated and controlled by characters who use their power and the authority that derives from it, not for the purposes of the institutions they govern, but in order to destroy them. This crisis of authority must be denounced, because the action of those who have reached the highest levels of leadership both of nations and of the Church is a subversive and criminal act.
When asked about the efforts to create a global religion and whether it is homicide or suicide for the Holy church, Vigano shared:
Both. On the one hand, the corrupt part of the Hierarchy – which for the sake of brevity I call the deep church – since it is subservient to Satan, hates the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ and intends to kill Her, just as happened to the Church’s Head. But we know that just as Christ is risen, so His Mystical Body will also be resurrected after Her Passion. So yes: those who serve the Devil carry out a murderous operation, however crazy and doomed to failure.
When asked about the consequences he has incurred in standing up to the New World Order, Vigano shared:
Already after my revelations about the scandals of then Cardinal McCarrick, I had to take care of my safety. My statements about the pandemic farce, which I remember began in May 2020, at the time earned me insults and verbal lynchings, accusations of undue interference or that I was promoting conspiracy theories. There have also been those who have said that it was not I who wrote my statements; it was even insinuated that I was suffering from psychosis and “delirium of interpretation,” or even possessed by the devil. Not to mention the the accusations following my pronouncement on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, a few days ago…
I have been amazed that these often over-the-top attacks also come in part from circles of Catholic conservatism and the so-called political right. In many cases, those whom I would have considered as allies – in opposing first the pandemic farce and then the war provocation – have shown that they side with the adversary, to the point of recognizing the effectiveness and moral lawfulness of the so-called vaccines or presenting Zelensky as an innocent victim of Putin’s expansionist aims. The reality is quite different, and denying it or concealing it to support one’s own theses or to obey one’s masters will serve no purpose other than to make the condemnation of the guilty and their accomplices even more just and motivated.
In any case, I thank God and Our Lady that I am in good health, and for the protection they have granted me so far.
Here is the TV interview for those of you who would like to watch it in Italian.

(As a devoted Catholic, as more true nature of the evil around us is revealed it actually enforces our beliefs in God and as Christians. I have heard not one word from Canadian Bishops against the tyrannical Trudeau government or support towards freedom-loving Canadians. Most comments ask why I simply just leave the faith as a Catholic because I am so critical of our present Catholic leadership, especially the pope. My response is, I am not going nowhere, it is the evil infiltrators that have to leave the church (physically and spiritually). It is the evil satanic politicians, corrupt medical establishment, big tech manipulators, and church leaders that sold their souls for power and money that will be exposed and held accountable…either in this world or in the Courts of God.) Marcum

NOTE: Clearly their position with Covid-19 restrictions and ever tightening mandates our not in our interest, especially our children, and we have to fight back and demand our leaders act. As of today, I have gotten no response from our Chancery Office or any of their supporting documentation (including informed consent info) I requested. Of course not, there is absolutely no medical evidence whatsoever in favour of the Covid-19 vaccine or mandates.

Both of these downloadable documents, ‘Bishop2021-10-06(redacted).pdf’ and ‘Ultimate Proof Covid-19 links.pdf’ are also presented in my (MyCatholicRedPill letter to my local Chancery Office and Bishop with no response to date. – Marcum)

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