Why Dems Have Abandoned Public Housing

2 years ago

The Democratic Party has no plan to address the homeless crisis the United States is facing today. One way to fix it would be to provide public housing to people. This would also boost their political power in their districts, but they don't do it. Why not?

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Sam: Yes it is you.
Dustin: Hi, this is Dustin from queens.
Sam: Dustin from Queens what's on your mind?
Dustin: So I was just sort of just wondering why isn't the why aren't the Democrats invested in government-funded public housing as much as they used to. because it feels to me like a great way to sort of really populate their cities in blue states and add more house seats in their blue states and really take more control in the house. because I really don't see any way they can take the house back the way things are going. so I'm just curious as to why.
Emma: That's not a constituency. That is a great point but the democrats are not wired in this current iteration of their party to look out for and also appeal to poor people.
Matt: they're appealing to real estate interests more than that.
Emma: and suburban upper-middle-class donors that seems to be the direction that they've decided to go in. and they're like we talk about how leadership is just ancient at this point. but they're still living in the era when public housing was a dirty word. and they feel like they can't politically take the hit for advocating for such a position. because that's again not the constituency they're appealing to anymore. but the idea that we haven't had federal funding for public housing in decades and decades is an atrocity. and that's you know that's a huge problem so point well point well-taken.
Sam: I would also say though there were two things about your premise that I think is wrong. One is that democrats do things to increase their political power. When they get into office they don't. I mean forget about you know actually like appropriating money for public housing they don't do the most basic of stuff that wouldn't cost a dime to enhance their political power. you know none of that. the ProAct even. would have you know we know greater union density helps democrats. whatever it is. voting rights. whatever it is. but then on top of that i'm not convinced that what you're suggesting would add to there would add from a congressional standpoint. because a lot of times you already have a majority of Democrats in urban areas.

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