Charlie Kirk Pushes White Nationalist 'Great Replacement' Theory

2 years ago

Conservative Host Charlie Kirk goes on a a racist rant while discusses mosques in Minneapolis calling their worshippers to prayer: "Was that in the vision of The Founding that consistent with the values of Minnesota to make it Mogadishu? I don't think so."

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The Charlie Kirk clip is just wildly racist so I don't know if we want to get into that or we could just do another KBJ clip that's what cruises. let's do charlie yeah. It's just like it's astonishing that's yeah only reason I'd even breathe. Charlie Kirk was just I guess generally talking about mosques in Minneapolis so because they've been calling worshipers to prayer. yeah apparently they're now allowing it to be more of like a there's a new city ordinance or something like that where mosques can actually you know issue a call to prayer. Wow so in addition to church bells there will also be mosques calling Muslims to prayer I mean we can't stand for this. must silence them but anyway oh also here's a segment on censorship and how it's bad. here he is weighing in on this just pressing issue in Minneapolis which you know coincidentally has a decently sized Muslim population so this makes sense but of course, it's just like an Islamic takeover of the United States.

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