The doctors wanted to Institutionalize him, and his family said, "NO! "

2 years ago

In this episode, I share laughs, silliness, and wise insights from my friend, Jon Almada. Jon was born with multiple issues, including brain damage-induced Aphasia, the inability to understand or express speech. Jon's mother would not give up on him, and aided by his grandfather, a renowned neurologist, he overcame much of his disabilities. Jon has insights that can inspire and help other parents fighting against the system for their special kids.

Despite being born with Aphasia, Jon became a talented computer programmer and webmaster for a world-renowned Aerospace company that put a man on the moon. Jon is a well-known Psychic medium and paranormal researcher. He hosts the streaming show and podcasts, "SoulStreamRadio" ( &, gives helpful views and insights on tech and life on "After Burner One" (, and is the owner of "GRI - Ghost Riders Paranormal Investigations." (

What do doctors know? In this case - Nothing!
Listen to your heart, Never let go of hope and never stop trying

Listen to Jon's show, every Saturday night at 9pm pst

Visit his sites at:

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