Animal sleep

2 years ago

Animal sleep

In general, large mammals sleep less than small ones, which is believed to explain about 25% of the difference in sleep amounts for different mammals. Larger mammals also have longer sleep cycles. Other factors include basal metabolism and brain mass.
Animals with large brains require more REM sleep, as REM sleep helps the brain consolidate memories and learn.
Protection against predators is an important factor in how animals sleep, and for how long. For example, as mentioned, many birds will sleep with one eye active and half of their brain awake so they can fly to safety if attacked.
Carnivores tend to sleep more than herbivores, most likely because herbivores have to spend many hours eating every day whereas carnivores can take in a large number of calories in one meal.
Some species such as lions sleep in short periods during the day and at night so they're able to take advantage of feeding opportunities.
Other Interesting Animal Sleep Behaviors
Otters will float on the water lying on their backs, often wrapping themselves in seaweed. Floating in water keeps them safe from predators on land, and wrapping themselves in seaweed keeps them from floating away. As many as 100 otters can be seen wrapped in seaweed, which is called an otter raft. Otters will often link paws together to keep from floating off.
Chimpanzees will build sturdy nests lined with leaves in trees to sleep in.
Meerkats will sleep in piled groups of up to 40 meerkats with the alpha males and alpha females as far away from possible threats. Communities of meerkats are called gangs or mobs and use closeness to keep each other warm.
Walruses can sleep on land or in the water. To keep their head above water when sleeping, they fill their pharyngeal pouches, located on each side of their esophagus.
Some speculate that great white sharks face the current while asleep so they don't have to keep moving, as the current will pass water over their gills providing them oxygen without needing to swim.
Snails can go into a hibernation period of up to 3 years! A famous story involves a British museum officer who attached an Egyptian desert snail to an identification card. Four years later there were traces of slime on the card and when the staff member removed the shell from the card, the animal crawled out! Snails secrete a layer of mucus around them before hibernation to prevent them from dying due to dehydration in a process called estivation.
Guinea baboons sleep on the tops of trees on their heels so they can run off immediately if attacked.
Most animals will sleep in several sessions throughout the day (polyphasic) whereas humans will usually sleep in one session (monophasic).
Cows like to sleep close to their relatives and their position is determined by their rank in the social hierarchy.
Male malachite sunbirds sleep with their bright yellow pectoral tufts fluffed up to give the impression to predators that they're looking into the eyes of a large mammal.

Search : Vitor Hugo Lizardi Leonardi

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