20. Format text - Explore text formatting such as Adobe fonts and font size.

2 years ago

20. Format text - What you learned: Format text

WHAT YOU'LL NEED - Sample files to practice with (ZIP, 6.7 MB) Get Files - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QW4Lq_dMvsRXZmzDE_gzVqff0NID55TD/view?usp=sharing

Select the Type tool and insert the cursor in text. Drag across the text to select it.

In the Properties panel to the right of the document, change text formatting such as font family and font size.

When selecting a font in the Font Family menu, click Find More to see a list of Adobe fonts. Find a font in the list and click Activate to sync that Adobe font with your computer. To see the synced fonts, click Show Activated Fonts.

Change the color of text by selecting the text, clicking the fill color in the Properties panel to the right of the document, and choosing a color.

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