United Souls Weekly Emuna Class With TuBAv Comfort Inspired!

3 years ago

Join us for our Weekly Monday Emuna​ Class 330 PM @Eli Goldsmith- #UnitedSouls​! Enjoy the One-Time Thursday Live to grow together With #TuBAv #Comfort!!!

Dedicated to the comfort, healing & miracles for the #Surfside Community globally - #ShabbatNachamu - For Unity Bookings & Projects Email - Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com

The Key to accelerate the Geula aka Redemption - Now in your hands! Rav Arush's love all people campaign is explained in a booklet in English!
Click & Order now - https://app.activetrail.com/S/xiaieattxjj.htm
#lovepeople #newbooklet #ravshalomarush #booksale #ordernow!

Thank you for joining & sharing our new relationship flow podcast & blog - https://relationshipflow.wordpress.com/2021/07/20/soulmate-special-guest-flow-with-wifey-aka-tinipops613-intro-do-it/ - a new episode of #relationshipflow podcast coming soon!
Listen to our #relationshipflow podcast: Emotional Stamina - Regrouping - TuBAv Soulmate special! https://anchor.fm/eli-real/episodes/Emotional-Stamina---Regrouping---TuBAv-Soulmate-special-e14rvj2

Please click on our new inspired blog https://breslevisraelpodcast.wordpress.com/

United Souls for a Divisive Generation! By Eli Goldsmith -
August 3rd is our next session - #pulveREDU 513: Uniting Our Souls Across the Globe with #EliGoldsmith - #unitedsouls - Sign up soon - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pulveredu513-uniting-our-souls-across-the-globe-with-eli-goldsmith-tickets-162676912023

For booking Unity Projects and Nissim Black please email - Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

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