Ep 97: Behind Bioweapons, Mind Control, and C-19 Viral Makeup with Dr. Lee Merritt | The Courtenay Turner Podcast

2 years ago

In this episode, Courtenay welcomes Dr. Lee Merritt to the show to discuss the viral makeup of COVID-19 as well as the jab. Dr. Lee Merritt masterfully connects the dots to how both the virus and the jab are being used as a bioweapon, accepted through mass mind control. She points to historical evidence and threads together today’s post-vax side effects, origins of the virus, connections with the Ukraine, and the debasement of critical first responders to enlighten listeners of the magnitude regarding this tyrannical agenda.

Dr. Lee Merritt graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York. She went on to complete Orthopedic Surgery Residency in the U.S. Navy and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon. Dr. Lee Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995 and in that time has served on the Board of the Arizona Medical Association and president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Episode Resources:
World Net Daily
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
James Lyons-Weiler
Dr. Shu-Yuan Xiao
Michael Callahan
Ralph Baric
Edward Bernays

Connect with Dr. Lee Merritt:
Website: https://drleemerritt.com
Twitter: @freedomdoc1
Telegram: @freedomdoc
Truth Social: @freedomdoc
Follow & Connect with Courtenay:
Twitter: Courtenay Turner (@CourtenayTurner) :https://twitter.com/CourtenayTurner?s=20
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Rokfin: https://www.rokfin.com/courtenayturner
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Video Edited By Griffo Productions
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