Bizarre Animals - BUBBLEFISH

2 years ago


The blobfish, or Psychrolutes marcidus, is a species that inhabits the deep waters off the coast of Australia and Tasmania, rarely seen by humans.

This scowling fish was considered the ugliest animal in the world, and adopted as the mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society.

The blobfish, which does not have any bones or muscles in its body, is a gelatinous mass with a density a little less than that of water, so it floats easily and swims without difficulty.

In defense of the blobfish, we can say that its appearance out of water is very different from its appearance in deep water. The pressure that is felt in the blobfish's habitat gives it a more "traditional" fish appearance. These strange animals have no commercial value. However, they are at risk of extinction due to trawling, getting caught in nets and unable to escape, due to lack of musculature.

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