2 years ago

A tale of two cities. There has been an escalation of uncharacteristically violent crimes popping up in New York and California and to anyone actually paying attention, it is clearly by design. When leadership passes policy after policy that advocates for the rights of criminals while at the same time hindering the ability of the law abiding from properly defending themselves, what you get is a community repeatedly victimized by said criminals. “Why would our elected representatives do this”, you might ask? They do it because a populace that lives in fear will do anything to feel safe. Even if that’s repeatedly voting to give power to their abusers. Even when they are promised security in exchange for liberty, they will gladly acquiesce. It is only when the tragic consequences of these failed policies lands on their kitchen table do they begin to ask the question they should have asked before casting their vote, “how are you going to keep me safe tomorrow when you couldn’t keep me safe today?” Understand that these leaders never suffer the consequences of their inept leadership. Their homes are not broken into. Their children are not shot in the streets on their way to school. Their automobiles are not carjacked. Their private security renders the necessity for a personal firearm moot. The gated neighborhoods they live in are not plagued by gang violence. In essence they are representatives who are clearly detached from the citizens they were tasked to represent. The truth is, they lie to you so that you will give them the power to represent their own interests. The irony is this; you never needed them to represent you in the first place. You are a citizen of a country that was explicitly created to recognize your inalienable right to represent yourself, to defend yourself, to pursue your own happiness and to do so along side other courageous brothers and sisters who have agreed never to infringe upon your pursuit of the American dream.


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