Filming of The CUTnGO Safety Series - Interview with the President and 4 Part Series of The CUTnGO

3 years ago

This is not and endorsement of the product but more for Random Adventures 2.0 to showcase my video ability in filming and editing. Random Adventures 2.0 was not paid for the making of this series.

This was truly a Random Adventure for me. My daughter Gabrielle asked Lisa and I to come along to meet the President of CUTnGO Stephen Souders and possibly participate in the series.

Gabrielle asked to be in a Deer Harness Safety Series and demo a product called The CUTnGO. The CUTnGO is an emergency seatbelt cutter and Steve wanted to have a short 4 part video series to showcase the application of using the CUTnGO on a Tree Stand Safety Harness and How it would be used if a person fell from their tree stand.

My Daughter Gabrielle had mentioned to Steve that I do videos for my YouTube Channel and somewhere along the way I think I was adopted into the one filming the shots. Good thing I had some of my equipment along.

As the filming wrapped up it was decided that maybe it would best if I also produce and edit the videos.

Well this was a whole new adventure for me since I have never done this type of work before. Yet I felt confident knowing I just filmed all of the various segments and thought what's the worst that could happen.

End result, I had a blast! How you enjoy this video and git a better understanding of the product and become more aware of how this products application cn help to prevent shock trauma.

Hope you enjoy and remember "It's one Adventure at a Time!"

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