2022 04 10 Sunday Morning Easter Program

2 years ago

Watson Baptist Church - http://www.watson-baptistchurch.com/
April 10, 2022 Sunday Morning Easter Program

00:00 Announcements
01:45 Call to Worship - Down At The Cross
04:55 Pastoral Prayer - Pastor Gary Beck
06:16 Hymn - The Way Of The Cross Leads Home
08:45 Offertory Prayer - RuthAnn Brady
10:54 Doxology - Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
11:25 Responsive Reading - The Love Of God
13:46 Three Rugged Crosses - RuthAnn Brady
17:07 The Commission - Penny Gressel
21:35 Reading - Sue Morris
26:20 In The Garden - Bill Morris
30:47 Reading - Becky DeWeese
33:14 Amazing Love - How Can It Be - WBC Choir
33:18 - Praise The Name Medley
37:15 - Were You There Medley
41:30 - At The Cross
45:28 - The Old Rugged Cross
46:44 Invitation Hymn - The Old Rugged Cross
54:05 Prayer of Benediction - Pastor Gary Beck

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