"Investing Is A Boring Game" - Jim Rogers

3 years ago

Jim Rogers refers to getting wealthy as boring. What did he mean by this? He was making a clear differentiation between euphoric investing and rational investing. Euphoric investing leads to investing with little regard for the financials, whereas rational investing relies on fundamental analysis and patience. Reading the financials of businesses is time-consuming and monotonous; it's "boring." It's not sexy like a new stock tip, a sleek Tesla car, Amazon taking over the world, or Mark Whalberg as an Investor in F-45. Business analysis is a lonely endeavor of reading and thinking. Once you create a list of businesses with potential purchase prices to purchase, you wait. It's a boring game of analysis and waiting. Yet this game leads to wealth creation and business opportunities. Euphoria leads to booms, then busts, mental turmoil, and confusion.

"""Evaluating a Business Requires Effort & Diligence, Buying a Business Requires Patience.""
--Red to Black Podcast

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