3 Beauty Teas That Work Wonders for Your Skin, Hair and Nails

3 years ago

In today's video, you will see some incredible teas for your beauty. We recently talked about 3 natural teas that are good for your skin and can improve your self-esteem. Did you watch it?

Do you like tea? Besides being super comforting, they also contribute to good sleep, improve some gastrointestinal symptoms, treat sore throat and colds, period cramps, etc.

No matter the occasion, teas are always a good option. We, the granola people, love it!

But did you know that teas can contribute even to your beauty? Let's see which ones:

Best tea for hair and nails
If your nails and hair have issues, bet on the powers of green tea to improve them. Did you know it is rich in flavonoids? The active ingredient of green tea improves blood flow and the transport of oxygen and nutrients, which helps hair grow faster and stronger while reducing hair loss. The benefits are similar for your nails. You can combine green tea with ginger to boost its hydration and detox powers. Isn't it amazing?

Best tea to prevent acne
Peppermint has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make it helpful to soothe itchiness and skin irritation. It can also be used to fight acne since its cooling properties help alleviate swelling and itchiness, both symptoms related to pimples. This herb is also an option to relieve muscle aches, headaches, and nausea.

Reduce oiliness and strengthen hair and nails
We are talking about horsetail tea. Horsetail is famous for being a diuretic and is widely used in diets and can also help reduce skin oiliness and prevent pimples, thanks to its astringent properties.

A potent moisturizer, this tea stimulates the healing process, both on the skin and the body as a whole. Another of its actions is to grow nails and hair, as the silica found in horsetail makes hair healthier and treats brittle nails.

As with any healthy habits, the benefits of these teas are enhanced when combined with a wellness routine. To see the results, try maintaining a healthy, balanced diet with fruits and vegetables and moderate your dairy and meat consumption. Include the practice of physical activities and try to keep a healthy sleep pattern.

Remember that the excess of these teas can be highly harmful to your health, causing headaches, nausea, dizziness, and, in severe cases, liver problems. To avoid intoxication, follow the recommended amounts.

0:00 Beauty Teas for Skin, Hair and Nails
0:41 Best tea for hair and nails
1:27 Best tea to prevent acne
2:09 Reduce oiliness and strengthen hair and nails


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