Non-DOT Urine Specimen Collector Training

3 years ago

Are you interested in performing drug tests under state-regulated protocols? Easler Education offers a convenient way to qualify as a specimen collector to conduct drug testing for individuals and companies.

Learn from the best! Easler is trusted by individuals, employers, credentialing organizations, and professional practices to provide exceptional regulatory training courses for workplace solutions. This approximately 2-hour training program is state-compliant and was designed by experienced attorneys who specialize in regulatory, risk, and compliance training. Our course meets or exceeds the training requirements in all 50 states.

Students are trained in the best practices, procedures, and necessary compliance concerns involved with “collect-only” tests and “QuickScreens,” also known as “Rapid-Dip Panels” or “Instant Tests.” Students also learn the rules and regulations involved in both instant and pre-employment drug testing and will be able to conduct collections and testing according to the relevant protocols.

Materials are shipped to your home or work and the course includes virtual Mock Demonstrations. Register today and download your certificate of completion as soon as you pass the online exam. It’s simple to get started at

Bonus Tip: If you work in a workplace regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) and are interested in performing drug tests under federally regulated protocols, we can help. Easler Education offers a convenient way to qualify as a specimen collector to conduct drug testing for individuals and companies under the DOT’s 49 CFR Part 40.33. Visit to learn more.

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