(Pt. 1) Critical Moment For Sri Lanka | Central Bank Defaults After 70 Years w/ Lahiru Doloswala

2 years ago

Today Lahiru Doloswala, Journalist for NewsCutter.ik, joins us to share his experiences living in Sri Lanka and the uphill battle his country faces to overcome the current economic and political chaos. From rapid inflation to Government corruption, the Sri Lankan people are caught in the middle of the sovereign debt default and the chaos.

#SriLanka will temporarily suspend foreign #debtpayments to avoid a hard default; the #centralbank governor announced its limited #foreignreserves required to import essential items such as fuel.

Please find out more about my guest from his Twitter and Facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/LahiruInRealLife & https://twitter.com/officiallahiru.

Questions asked during the interview:
2:55 How did Sri Lanka arrive at this economical & political chaos?
13:38 How bad are conditions in Sri Lanka on the ground?
17:34 How is the Sri Lankan Rupee impacted?
20:02 Do people in Sri Lanka own gold as an inflation hedge?
21:50 Does holding Real Estate act as wealth a preserver in Sri Lanka?
23:57 How is the dollar value in Sri Lanka? What about a banking crisis?

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