Millennial's 84 Per Cent - 61,000 Deaths America

2 years ago

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA The beast man born 8.4.61 (Movie Split)
He's Coming...He's already here.

The Georgia Guidestones The Vigilant Citizen, Sinister sites Website.

March 14th 2022

CDC data: Millennials experienced "a Vietnam War in 2nd half of 2021.

Shocking spike in deaths coincides with vaccine mandates. booster shots.

The Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84 percent increase in excess mortality in the fall 2021, he said, describing it as the worst ever excess mortality, I think, in history.

Del Big Tree The High Wire covered this Data/story also.

Del Invoked those numbers 8461. The Number of his name.

The number the KJ Bible says we are too get Victory over!

The root of all this trouble Blindly saying it without understanding what and who is the man responsible for this Global genocide by lethal injection leading up too the apocalyptic End Of Days.

Album: Big brother 84 Lucifer. Pics a caricature of Barack Obama in his trade mark Post Presidency tieless white shirt. Obama is Lucifer.

Killing in the name of the beast man (Rage against the machine) invoking the number of his name Revelation chapter 13 14 15: King James Bible.

Blatantly advertising Programming the Blind Masses who are Biblically Ignorant and willfully unbelievers (The Wicked) who the wrath of God abides on.

Die unrepentant in your sins without the saving forgiveness and grace of Christ then your soul will be eternally separated from the One and only living God Almighty.

Data coming from the CDC Center of Disease Control whether as Reuters news has supposable Fact Checked they were Covid deaths and not attributable to vaccines just the same BS that comes from our Australian TGA - ATAGI - Burnett Institute - Doherty institute funneled down to them by the Evil King pin World Health Organization.

CDC Data shows the millennial generation suffered a "Vietnam War Event" with more than 61,000 excess deaths in that age group in the second half of 2021, according to an analysis by a former Wall street executive who made a career of crunching numbers to make big dollar investment decisions. Edward Dowd who worked for Black rock.

8461 has he got your number?

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