4/12/22: Preview for Ground Zero - U.S.URY IN A DIGITAL CENTS W/ ALAN JOHNSON

2 years ago

As inflation increases in the US and sanctions against Russia were supposed to collapse the ruble, economists are looking at how Putin's country seems to be doing well even in the face of the weaponized banks. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum is preparing us for a digital currency, whereby the populace will have less control over their spending power. What exactly is the real aim of these sanctions and how come they align so perfectly with the Great Reset? Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks with financial analyst, Alan Johnson about U.S.URY IN A DIGITAL CENTS.


Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis is live M-F from 7-10pm, pacific time, and streamed for free at groundzero.radio. There is a delayed broadcast on our local Portland affiliate station, KPAM 860, from 9pm-12am, pacific time. For radio affiliates near you, go to talkstreamlive.com. To listen by phone: 717-734-6922. To call into the show: 503-225-0860. The transcript of each episode will be posted after the show at groundzeromedia.org.

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