Episode 100 - A Look Back As We Reach 100

3 years ago

The Wolf And The Shepherd reach their 100th episode and take a look back over their previous episodes.

Episode Zero - The Pilot

Things We Never Saw Coming

What Do We Believe?

The Smiths and where did music go?

Gyms Why we just don't go

Interview With Chance Munsterman

Interview With Layla Caraway

Witches & Gingers

Midgets & Other Short Stories

Robot Overlords

The Rise Of Karen

Another Ducking Podcast

Discussing "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M.

Come Armageddon Come

Cosplay, Furries, and Bronies

iPhone Serial Killer

Evolution I Want A Refund

Sunday Sevens - Part One

Alien Ale and Martian Margaritas with Jason DeBord

Men In Skirts

Halloween 1 - Traditions

Halloween 2 - Superstitions

Election 2020

Journey To The Center Of The Earth with Bil Von

The Next Great Music Genre


Smoking Windmill BBQ With Sean Merchant

The Unforgettable Fire

Recap - Episodes 1 - 5


Public Libraries with Kelly Holt



Simulation Theory

Interview With Jay Davis

The Star Wars Prequels

Pieces Of Eight

Interview With Kevin M. Brennan

Interview With Rand Toulouse

Tales from the Crypt-o

Down Memory Lane

Get Out Of My Wormhole


Interview With Iain Parke


Welcome to 2021

Autism with Landon Hughes

The Jerusalem Syndrome

Interview With Dallas Jenkins

Interview With Scott "Junior" Ereckson



Life Hacks

Star Wars A New Hope

Interview with Gary Miceli and Gary McKee from The Freshman Circus

The Amish

The Wolf DRAWS The Shepherd

Cancel Culture


Interview with Daniel Miller

Music And Lyrics

Biology Minus 101

English Dating

Texas Snowmageddon

Ask Us Anything

Interview with Mayor Armin Mizani

Hip Hop Philosophy

Emotional Intelligence

Mail Order Brides

Interview With Nick Landholdt

We Do Adverts - Pay Us Money!

Fake Plastic Trees

Interview With Merle Rutledge

Ask Us Anything Again

In Other News - April 2, 2021

A Quick State Of The Union Message

Our Guest Appearance on Rubber Chicken Radio

In Other News - April 9, 2021

The Mantis Shrimp

Interview With Frank Cain

In Other News - April 16, 2021

Interview With Mary Kelleher


On A Serious Note

The Cloud House - A Quick Tour

The Cloud House

In Other News - April 30, 2021

Questionable Self Growth Advice

Luke, Got Milk?

Worst Movies Of The 80's

Interview With Mae Deevy

Video from our Interview With Mae Deevy

Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

In Other News - May 14, 2021

Shamanism With Victoria And Kent Young

In Other News - May 24, 2021

The Ideal Woman

In Other News - June 7, 2021

Interview With Jay Riggs

In Other News - June 21, 2021

Getting To Know You - Part One

Getting To Know You - Part Two

In Other News - July 12, 2021

Vacation Recommendations

Waterboo - Interview With Jeremy Klapprodt and Nathan Hartman

The Wolf On 100thousand Podcast

Vlad The Impaler With Crumb The Master Student Part One

In Other News - July 28, 2021

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