25 Million Chinese Screaming for Help

2 years ago

That's exactly what you will witness in this disturbing video: millions of human beings screaming for help all at once. It sounds like something you might hear coming from the bowels of Hell, but it's not. It's anguished cries of all of the Chinese people who are currently being locked in their homes as a result of that country's latest COVID [PSYOP] lock-down (April 12, 2022).
It's the screams of people who are starving and begging for food, begging for freedom from their unjustified captivity. Even though the fake COVID pandemic, which was never really a pandemic at all, has long been over with by any scientific yardstick, even if you believe it was real (see Farr's Law), it's still being used as a jackboot by the Communist dictatorship in China to stomp down hard on the face of the citizens of Shanghai who dared to be so uppity as to think that they were free. They're definitely not free, and neither are you, my friend.
Mark my words, folks. Lock-downs like the ones we had in 2020 and 2021 will be returning before the Mid-Term Elections are over. That way they can steal another election using bogus, mail-in ballots. So, take a close look at how bad things may get here if the Leftists are able to steal yet another election, and continue moving forward with their Bolshevik-style takeover of America. If the American People don't soon get off their knees, and start saying "NO!" for a change, we will all be living in a country not much different than China within 4 years.
Stop being afraid. You will soon have nothing left to lose. Why go there? Get off your ass, and GET MAD! Start doing something to help stop this giant, worldwide coup d'etat over humanity by the Thirteen Families who are behind this Leftist takeover. At least speak-out against it. At least say something to someone else in condemnation of evil that we currently see growing up around us.
The Commies won't stop until we make them stop. History proves that.
End of story.

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