GURPS Game Aid 0.13.14

2 years ago

Release 0.13.14 4/12/2022

- Make all @margin entries case insensitive
- Add /if check for @margin, @isCritSuccess, @isCritFailure
- Fixed, when clicking OTF Journal link, only show for current user (not all owners, including GM).
- Added range modifier support for grid units (ex: meters, millimeters, kilometers, inches, centimeters, feet, yards, miles, parcecs, light years, etc.) Thanks @Kalos!
- Allow \*Per 1fp (vs. \*Cost 1fp)
- Updated JB2A to v0.4.x
- Add support for split DR.
- Support linked damage: all comma-separated damage will be rolled with one click. E.g. `2d cut,1d+1 burn`.
- Support an optional title for a Note.
- Added a "damage accumulator" for powers like spells which do a variable amount of damage. Adding '+' in front of damage makes it accumulate.
- Added damage right-click option to combine multiple rolls into one; e.g. combining five `1d-1 burn` rolls yields one roll of `5d-5 burn`.
- Added @kbrownridge's Quintessence code

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