4/12/22 AxeTruth 60 Minutes – Sunset Park Subway Shooting , Call Batman!

2 years ago

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION ... GO! another false flag in NYC... Sunset Park Subway shooting with smoke bombs... & non-white shooter? Where is Batman when you need him. This was another distraction to jog up the news cycle , when the black democrat NY Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin Arrested in Campaign Finance Fraud Case. The subway cameras were not working , but they had 1 person who was filming the very calm chaotic scene in the subway....

Democrats ARE TELLING US THE #DEMS IN POWER WILL NOT ALLOW A FREE & FAIR ELECTION THIS FALL. expect something big to happen to cancel the midterm elections.

Bad Actress Governor Kathy Hochul speaks at a press conference at the scene of the Brooklyn subway attack. Calling the suspect "cold-hearted and depraved" and warned that he remains on the loose and dangerous

Remedial Special Ed Student Mayor Watermelon Seeds Adams statement on this morning's shooting in Brooklyn saying they haven't found any bombs, but the suspect "DETINATED" smoke bombs

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