Covid19 Mandates are killing us. making us homeless.

2 years ago

if covid19 is so deadly and dangerous why does canada make unvaxxed homeless with no place tp sleep but in -20C weather.

is that safe and good. worry about covid but you do this .

no vaccine. you cant have a job
you cannot leave the country
you cannot live
not allowed to have shelter
lucky i have a car others sleep outside in tents.

canada is 100% corrupt
Canada does not follow any rule of law.

you follow order of this dictatorship or you die.

they will freeze you
starve you
society will kill you . robbed or beaten to steal what u own.

Canada is a criminal country.

media majority shareholders are Vangaurd and Blackrock who own almost all of canada.
we are run by the investment firms of the world economic forum .

pharma is owmed by vangaurd and Blackrock who pushes lies and false science for profit.

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