IBJJF rules when opponent run away from the mat to avoid sweep - Jiu Jitsu - BJJ

2 years ago

In this fight I had my opponent (wearing the blue gi) on Y-guard and I made a transition to single leg. As I attempt to complete my sweep, he turned away and run out of bounds.
The rule state I should get 2 points and the opponent a negative point, but in my fight the referee did not do that, he just gave me a advantage instead. If I had got the 2 points this specific rule explain, I would have won that fight.
Did the referee rob me? Of course not, I don´t even think we had meet before, he had no reason for that, as far as I know.
I later show the video to other referees and some saw a clear mistake and others argument that my opponent defense was on that direction, so it can´t be seeing as a deliberate attempt to run away, in this case agreeing with the judgment of the referee in charge.
My opinion is that he did try to get out, so obviously at the time I was frustrated, but how can I hold anything against anyone, when the rule is so subjective and dependable on the moments interpretation?
BJJ rules are difficult to understand and even harder when you are there in the center having to take decisions .

If you are interested in going deeper in some of my teaching methods, please take a look on this links:
PASSING TO THE BACK: https://bjjfanatics.com/products/passing-to-the-back-by-felipe-costa

Y GUARD https://bjjfanatics.com/products/the-y-guard-by-felipe-costa

CONTROLLING THE BACK FOR DUMMIES: https://bjjfanatics.com/products/controlling-the-back-position-by-felipe-costa

Pasajes imparables a la Media Guardia: https://www.seminarioss.com/courses/Pasajes-imparables-a-la-media-guardia

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