Truth About Easter 🐇.....

2 years ago

Easter has nothing to do with Jesus Christ in fact it has everything to do with worshiping indirectly fallen angels.

She is Known as the Queen of Heaven which on Earth/Hell is the fake Heaven that Yaldabaoth Samuel Aka Satan created. 2/3rds of angels followed him as they did not want to abide by father's rules of divine light in the Pleroma. They wanted to sleep around with whoever and be transgender and teach forbidden knowledge.

A holidays even Easter is Pagan. When they did their rituals and sacrificed babies they would take the blood and dip the eggs in it to dye them RED as a tribute to Ishtar. They would have several orgies and commit sex magick.

Repent and stop giving your energy to these demons. You have a choice now that you know the truth. Jesus is the truth the way the life.

In Jesus I Trust With Jesus I Stand

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice ⚖️
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army 😇🗡️⚡🎺🔥

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