Alan Watt - "Psychological Projection in the Scientific Era" 4.10.22

2 years ago

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - Redux

Modern Mythological Enemies versus The Man in the Mirror -
Psychological Projection in the Scientific Era

[Original Broadcast 4 July 2007] - Perceptions and Logic - How we arrive at (what we think are) our conclusions. Education - Indoctrination - Learned Behaviour - Experiences - Propaganda - Arrival at erroneous conclusions - Living in a world of dis-information. Rise of civilizations - Fall of Rome - Taxation - Degeneration - Corruption - Greed - "Reptilians" - Religions - Esoteric meanings - Ancient Histories - Early Judaism - Talmud - - Old Testament deity - Female gods - New Testament deity - Earning knowledge by self-examination - Serpent as allegory for Wisdom - Guarding the Mind - Symbol of Immortality - Born-again - Mastery and Control of Minds of Others - Psychopathy in Noble Families - Inbreeding for traits - Culling-off Public - Ancient Population Control. Psychopathic traits: egocentricity, rationalization of all they do, lack of guilt - Nature worship and pantheism - Science and exploration - Science-FICTION - Nephilim and Space-Being - Possibility-Thinking - Imagination - Introduction of money and goods (by U.S.) into Pacific islands - Cargo Cults - Christian religion - Message to Individuals - Authorized Historians - AUTHOR - AUTHORized - Nature of Evil - Diabolos - Cunning - Politicians; Born Actors - Knight - K Night - Allegorical figure of Cain. Cain and Nimrod - Founding of Cities - First Artificer - WHAT IS EVIL? - LIVE backwards - Sadism - Inward Search for Answers - Purpose for each Individual - Truth Within - New Age Movement - Pride of Soldiers to KILL - Readiness to kill in war abroad - War Protestors - Placement in Medical Units on front-lines - Knowing by Experience - Supernatural - Madame Blavatsky - John Wycliffe - Telepathic abilities. Alan: "Power of a thought can truly penetrate everything" - Guarding and Guiding Thought - Now is vital time to pass knowledge onto others. Devaluation of Life - Medical Exploitation - Abortion - Selling Body Organs - Science's Debauchery of Sacredness. Humanist religion - Right of Might and Power - Man's worship of Man - Creation of a "Star" - Darwin - Dehumanization of Enemy - Baby is a "Fetus" - Examination of Evil - Examination of Self - Thinking for One's Self - (Book: "Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley)--Rural farming - City-state creation - Age of Imperialism - Period of Decline and Deviancy. (Song: "Lift Me Up" by Bruce Springsteen).


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