Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR) - Up Around The Bend | REACTION

2 years ago

Shout out to OIF Iraqi Freedom Veteran SPC James R. Davis for this very special dedication Swamp Rockin band Credence Clearwater Revival song UP AROUND THE BEND set to a Vietnam Memorial Wall Tribute video Dedicated to our Vietnam Veterans who can never be Thanked Enough! TODAY Mar 29th is NATIONAL VIETNAM WAR VETERANS DAY! Aka the day USMACV dissolved and the last US Combat Troops departed Vietnam. From Nov 1, 1955 till May 15, 1975, 9 Million Americans served during Vietnam War, 3 Million in country, The first US KIA was SPC4 James T. Davis, on Dec 22,1961; US Casualties In Total 58,281 KIA Killed in Action; 153,372 Wounded 75,000 Severely Disabled; 1,584 Missing; 778 Prisoners of War, 115 killed by their captors. REAL FACTS; Despite the Anti War US Media false reports: the US actually Won the Vietnam War and stopped Communism from spreading; clearly defeated the NVA and VC! General Giap leader of the NVA stated this in his memoirs "You defeated us! … But your US Media was causing more disruption in America than we could in the battlefields. "We were ready to surrender. You had won!" It was the South Vietnamese that lost the Vietnam War, as they let Saigon fall to the NVA April 1975 but the truth was distorted used by American Anti-War media to claim the US lost the Vietnam War. It is important to give our Brave Vets the proper credit! VIETNAM VETERANS Never got the Thanks they Deserve, instead they were called Baby Killers spit on by the Protestors, the Govt and the Veterans Affairs who refused to acknowledge their exposure to over 18.2 million gallons of Cancer causing Agent Orange Chemical Defoliant with Dioxin sprayed over our troops and the jungle of Vietnam, which they denied until 95 percent of the Vietnam Veterans had died. Now with the remaining Vietnam Veterans, the VA Denies them again say their condition is old age, so the VA and GOVT spit on them again denying them service connected disability and care. I lost 3 friends/mentors to Agent Orange: Christian mentor Army Ranger Sergeant Lewis Edgecomb, my hunting mentor Sergeant Buddy Fines Army Ranger, and last year lost Marine Sergeant Major, American Legion Post 89 and Dept of Virginia Commander Don Kubic; and currently losing the battle to Agent Orange Legion Post 89 and District Commander Airforce Colonel Bob Wernsman. Also SHOUT OUT to all of the NURSES in Vietnam bathed in blood saving Thousands of Soldiers lives; and still hold the trauma in their mind and heart, but denied PTSD because they were not in combat, they just bandaged up all of the traumatic wounds. So this song is Dedicated to all of my Brothers and Sisters in Arms who paved the way for future Veterans so that we never had to go through the horrible disgrace that you went through, THANK YOU and WELCOME HOME! Finally, we give a Major SHOUT OUT to all of the MIA POW's as we demand the immediate release of all POW's; and we continue efforts for a full accounting of those Missing in Action, and a repatriations of all recoverable remains of those who died while serving their nation in the Vietnam War and all the Wars and Conflicts, so we stand up for them and their families we will fly the POW/MIA Flag UNTIL THEY ALL COME HOME; YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!

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