Speaker Cameron Sexton compares Gary Humble to George Soros!

2 years ago

HB 1201 is a constitutional travesty. We are asking Tennessee to show up at the Capitol (Cordell Hull Bldg) tomorrow (Tues) April 12th at 10am for the House Local Government Committee and put an end to this bill.

Republican leadership is running a bill that would in effect censor small conservative groups across the state 60 days prior to every election. Are we living in China?

Speaker Sexton has now publicly accused Tennessee Stands of being a dark money influence in our state. And has also made some incredulous accusations against our Executive Director, Gary Humble.

But as you'll see in this FOLLOW THE MONEY video, it is Sexton himself and Republican leadership in this state whose campaigns and PAC slush fund accounts that are funded by left-wing groups whose primary stated goals are to defund the police, remove our 2A rights, and promote abortion.

Can't make this stuff up.

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