Outsider MC Philippines 2011.mp4

2 years ago

he Outsider Motorcycle Club, also known as the One Eleven Nation, is a “one-percenter” motorcycle gang and an alleged organized crime syndicate with chapters in Austria, Germany, Philippines and Thailand . The club was formed 1973 in Austria. Its motto is “One World – One Vision”.

It is estimated to have more than 150 members in 17 chapters, located in 4 countries. The club considers itself to be an outlaw motorcycle club. The Federal Bureau of Investigation in Austria (Bundeskriminalamt) and the Philippines (NBI) have named the Outsiders an “supporting outlaw motorcycle gang for the hells angels” in connection with their long lasting friendship and support for the Hells Angels in Austria. The Hells Angels is the dominant “one-percenter” motorcycle club in Austria followed by the Outsiders.

Numerous police and intelligence agencies internationally classify the Hells Angels as the biggest of the “big four” motorcycle gangs, along with the Pagans, Outlaws, and Bandidos, and contend that members carry out widespread violent crimes, murder, drug dealing, trafficking in stolen goods and extortion and are involved in the prostitution industry. Members of the Outsiders and Hells Angels have been accused of crimes and convicted in Austria.

Outsider MC Philippines was founded in 2002 and the Mactan Chapter in 2005. They opened three more chapters in Bacolod, Dumaguete and Laguna

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