Yes, Zionist jews kill and grind children up into meat products: McDonalds is the biggest client.

2 years ago

Zionist Satanic Jews are right out in the open about using the "white man" as a source of food - we are cattle to them.

Eye-opening recording of the absolute distain of the Zionist Jews who are destroying Western civiliation on a daily basis.

I know I haven't eaten at McDonalds in many years and will never again eat there. I don't understand how they are allowed to still be in business. The FBI KNOWS this is going on - oh yeah, I forgot - the FBI and all the government so called "law enforcement agencies" are enforcing the Deep State/Khazarian Mafia/Zionist/Cabal owners desires and goals, not those of us who are enslaved in what once was thought to be a country with real freedom and liberties - the U.S.A.

We have become the world's largest terrorist organization and that is embarrasing to admit.

I know, however, the end for the Zionist pigs is coming. The Alliance of 209 countries and DJT have been working dilligently since the stolen election of 2020 to make a legallly correct return and totally restructure the world being held in the grips of the Deep State.

Justice is almost here. Hang in there Patriots. The end of the Cabal is near.

Source of this video: Gitmo TV, forwarded by D.U.M.B.S and Underground War Telegram Channel:

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