3 years ago


00:00:00 Launch Phase Ending In 1 Hour
00:01:15 $27.5M To Sens.org
00:01:56 Sacrifice Totals
00:02:11 Testnets / EIP-1559
00:03:38 Calculating Sacrifice Points
00:04:14 BTC Price: Bull Trap / 10K Soon
00:05:18 ETH Price: EIP-1559 Priced In Already? / Chained To BTC / Grayscale Discount / Miner Fork?
00:07:22 ETH/BTC Trading Pair
00:09:35 Broadening Horn On BTC/USD Is Bearish
00:12:18 RH Was A Decade Ahead of Elon Musk and Michael Saylor
00:13:42 Elon Musk Promoting Garbage Coins / Pumping and Dumping BTC / Hurting Everyone
00:17:22 Monero Founder Arrested
00:18:22 Problems Everywhere In The Crypto Industry
00:19:48 BitMEX Handled Their Problems Correctly
00:20:07 Exposing Sam Bankman-Fried
00:22:41 Delayed Gratification Is The Key To Success (Excluding Scams)
00:23:32 Importance of Building At Scale (HEX)
00:24:07 HEX's Success Despite Gatekeeping (Previral)
00:25:02 HEXican Army / Stakers Are Incentivized To Promote
00:25:58 Sacrifice Totals / SENS Donations Are Beautiful
00:26:35 Exposing Balaji Srinivasan
00:30:09 Exposing Eric Weinstein
00:31:18 People Pretending They're Better Than RH
00:32:21 Exposing Sam Bankman-Fried
00:33:43 Hiring Spree Soon (Metamask / Geth )
00:34:30 Uniswap (Admin Key / DAO Stupidity)
00:36:03 Technical Difficulties
00:37:45 RH Is The Giving Tree of Crypto
00:39:04 People Pretending They're Better Than RH
00:40:03 Crypto Scams Are Impossible To Prevent
00:40:50 Gatekeeping Is An Opportunity / Driving RH and HEXicans To Greatness
00:41:28 A Complete Ecosystem : HEX / PulseChain / Exchange / Metamask / Bridges / Uniswap
00:42:40 Decentralized Systems Are Resilient
00:43:10 Every Coinbase Listing Dumps
00:43:52 Brian Armstrong Funding Rebasing Coin Scam
00:44:57 Balaji Srinivasan Promoting Scams / Wasting Great Talent On Small Projects
00:48:54 Vitalik and Balaji's Failed Chatroom
00:49:23 Humility / Sleep
00:50:12 Fake Followers ad Fake Views
00:50:31 Andreas Antonopolis Getting BTC Donations
00:51:52 Andreas Not Researching HEX / Booth Girls, SJW
00:54:56 Andreas Repeating Same Message / Lightning Network Book
00:55:27 Michael Saylor Nonsensical Tweets / Fraud
00:56:05 Michael Saylor Tweeting BTC Will Fail In 2013
00:56:27 Technical Difficulties
00:58:46 No Sleep / The Shakes
00:59:02 Send Your Heros Here To Die
00:59:51 Broadening Horn On BTC/USD Is Bearish and Unprecedented / Traders Rekt
01:00:56 Technical Difficulties
01:01:44 Losing Weight
01:02:06 Sacrifice Address / Pay More For Gas
01:03:39 PulseChain Solves Ethereum Gas Problems
01:04:46 No Addresses In Chat
01:05:29 Preventing Scams
01:05:59 Looking Tired
01:06:44 Pulse Shirt
01:06:59 Watching Live Chat
01:07:14 A Complete Ecosystem / Tuning Out The Noise In Crypto
01:08:11 Focus On What You Can Control (Football)
01:09:07 Stream Going Down In History
01:09:12 Exchanges Listing Garbage VS Quality Control (Coinbase / Binance)
01:10:15 ConMarketCrap / Binance Corruption / Listing IOTA, But Not HEX
01:11:32 Fake Ledgers Being Sent To Crypto Users
01:11:58 Exposing Alex Saunders
01:13:14 HEXicans Mailing Letters To Save Ledger Users
01:14:36 Imagine Understanding BTC and ETH When They Launched
01:14:57 r/Bitcoin Censoring Ethereum Discussion
01:15:21 Backwards World: Crypto Ads Banned / Everything Else Allowed
01:16:17 Scam Bots Prospering / Real Content Creators Struggle
01:16:45 NFTs On PulseChain
01:17:19 Oracles On PulseChain (Uniswap Is The Best Oracle)
01:17:46 Will USDC Freeze pUSDC?
01:18:31 Hexologist Deleting Scam Bots
01:19:31 Etheruem Bridge
01:19:40 Minimum Viable Launch (Sacrifice Accounting / Bridge / UniSwap and HEX Front Ends / Network)
01:20:18 Paul Democritou Stream
01:20:29 Making Crypto Exciting Again
01:20:34 Shout Out
01:20:41 PLS Price Performance
01:21:04 Freemium PLS Clawback (Not PRC-20s)
01:22:06 ERC-20 / PRC-20 Valuations and Adoption
01:25:08 Sacrifice / Increasing Gas Limit
01:26:01 Contact Your Senators and Representatives
About Their Terrible Crypto Regulations
01:27:41 Sacrifice Ends
01:28:29 Sacrifice Address Not Selling HEX / Dumping Everything Else
01:30:43 Sacrifice Totals
01:32:45 Giving David Feder A Banhammer
01:33:20 EOS Poor Price Performance
01:34:12 Snapshot Date
01:34:33 Savaging ADA
01:36:26 Exposing FTX and eToro Founders
01:42:06 HEX Sacrificed / Price
01:43:03 Normal Price Action In HEX Throughout Sacrifice
01:43:24 Supply Restriction and Lasting Value: HEX / De Beers Diamonds / LV / Rolex
01:55:12 How To Create Value
01:56:43 Like, Subscribe, Hit Bell, Follow ( Twitter.com/RichardHeartWin )
01:57:29 Sleep
01:57:36 T .me/Scivive
01:58:08 Sacrificing USDT Is Fine
01:58:15 Pulselead.xyz / Actual Sacrifice Totals Coming Soon

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