Donald Babadalir: CCP Effects on U.S. Foods, Ag Land, & Water, New Paradigms w/Sargis Sangari EP #94

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On Monday, 11 APR 22, on the 94th EPISODE of New Paradigms with Sargis Sangari, Donald Babadalir, NEC-SE #Political, #Cultural, & #Religious Affairs Strategic Advisor, joines me to explore the Chinese Communist Party's (#CCP) anticipation of a global economic #recession. In addition, we discuss U.S. #foodsecurity issues and topics, coupled with CCP's last-ditch efforts to influence the U.S. economy for its benefit.

Our discourse focuses on #China's influence on the population, U.S. #State, and #Federal #policymakers and governments to gradually control U.S. #industries of geostrategic significance.

Donald Babadalir, who was also a former candidate for local office in #California, presents the circumstances of the state of California, the proverbial "canary in the coalmine."

The discussion covers foreign nations' private and #agricultural landholdings, particularly those by China; China's major purchases that affect the #supplychain and #logistics, as well as the food supply; California's #legislative changes that have favored #China and other foreign actors; China's motivations; and how patterns in California have spread to the rest of the United States.

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