Dalek News Network 11 APR 2022

2 years ago

Welcome to the Dalek Chanel.
Today a brief look at the next 20 years of debt and GDP.

In 2022 the top countries by GDP which have a GDP greater than 1 Trillion form a group of 18 nations, the G18.

The USA Federal debt in 2022 was 28.43 T. This is equal to the combined GDP of the lowest 15 members of the G18. It is greater than the total wealth of the lowest six members of the G18, and less than the wealth of the lowest seven.

The countries of the world will have a greater GDP in 2032 than 2022. A prediction interpolated from Price water house of the top 15 countries include below.

In 2032, the countries with a GDP of more than 2 Trillion will form a group of 15, the G15. The G15 have a combined GDP of 131 Trillion, and a wealth of about 450 Trillion. The federal debt of the USA is expected to be 45 Trillion.

The USA federal debt is equal to the combined GDP of the 12 lowest members of the G15, or the wealth of the lowest 5 members.
In terms of the top countries, the USA’s debt is still equal to the wealth of the lowest handful of large nations, and equal to the combined GDP of almost all the important countries, except the 3 largest.

It is important that of the top groups in 2022 and 2032, only 2, Russia and China are non-western. Only India is possibly a swing country. In 2022 the western percentage of GDP, the top countries minus China, Russia and India is 71%.

In 2032 The fraction of western GDP in the top countries will be 61%.

By 2042 the Daleks will be dating the daughters of their current bimbos.

The group of 15 countries will each have a GDP of 3 Trillion or more. At current projections the USA debt will be 77.6 Trillion.
Also, the percentage of the top G15 countries that is western will have fallen to 54%, with the other three, China, Russia and India, holding the other 46 percent.
The proportion of the GDP of the USA in the top group countries remains relatively stable at 31% in 2022, 31% in 2032 and 25% in 2042. The proportion of the USA Federal debt as a function of the GDP of the top countries is also relatively constant, 38% 2022, 34 in 2032, 39% in 2042.
So the share of USA debt of the friendly group of top nations does not change much. The share of Americas GDP, and its ability to service the debt declines…

From the long perspective, who better to be associated with than the ascending star of Asia.
How easy it is to force Russia eastward and illustrate that any non-western power is effectively the enemy. Perhaps not a great reset, more of a great reformat.

Debt Projections:

World Bank:

Center for Business and Economic Research 2021

Congressional Budget Office 2022

Pioce Waterhouse 2017
The World in 2050: How will the global economic order change?


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