I Think They're Serious....

2 years ago

The powers to be what so much chaos they are creating a WWIII scenario...Let us not allow that to happen...
Thanks to @RealKimShady, White Hats, Scotty Films for use of their material....
“The Destruction Of American Culture
This leads us back to the destruction of our culture. I won’t go too deeply into this, but for decades, our school system has been indoctrinating kids with socialist/communist beliefs. Now, as parents begin to object strenuously, they’re being targeted by the FBI as possible terrorists.
Our statues are being torn down if there’s even a hint of something that would be unsavory in modern days. Our history is being erased. Our children are being taught that capitalism is evil – not just crony capitalism, but any capitalism. A country where you could once get ahead with hard work has turned into a country that despises those who get ahead. A person who I helped out financially in the past blocked me on social media because I said that people making outrageous demands of employers didn’t understand the hoops the government makes us jump through to employ anyone. The words “I’m offended” are held up like a shield against any non-politically correct opinions. University professors promote violence against “others” with few, if any, repercussions. We have young people who are apparently frightened by all-caps.”

Summary of the Last Two Years

-Man made bioweapon of mass murder released on the world with the objective to cause global psychosis and coercive people to get a shot

-The shot contains the following capabilities: 1. Population control; 2. Surveillance 24/7; 3. Genetic modification

1. population control through
-immediate death
-miscarriages and infertility
-shorten life through chronic illness

2. Surveillance through the implantation of biometric transmitter that permits access to new global cryptocurrency system

3. Use mRNA and crispr-cas9 technology to re-engineer humanity











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